Reality-Preserving Multiple Parameter Discrete Fractional Angular Transform and Its Application to Color Image Encryption

Aim: to overcome security strength of image encryption.
Existing System: reduce the redundancy and correlation of image content by using special operations, such as chaos-based and transform-based operations.
·         DFrAT (discrete fractional angular transform): to provide more efficient tools
·         MPDFrAT(invertible multiple parameter fractional angular transform): define an invertible multiple parameter fractional angular transform

Proposed method: RPMPDFrAT :  reality-preserving multiple parameter fractional angular transform.

1.      Spatial Domain: three color components of the plain image are mapped by dual cylindrical transform, which can nonlinearly hide the original color information. Contain plain and encrypted image

2.      Combination & Scrambling: scramble image (encrypted image) coupled by Logistic Map.
Advantage: reduce the correlation of adjacent pixels and uniformly distribute the image energy of different color components.
Paper refer:32

3.      Fractional Domain: MPDFrAT (paper refer 20,31) and construct its reality-preserving version (reality-preserving transforms). paper refer 20 and 30
·         RPMPDFrAT: useful tool for image encryption not only because its output is real-value, but also because its eigenvector is determined by an angular that can provide flexibility in representing an image and enlarge the key space.

·         performed the dual cylindrical transform to overcome the linearity of the RPMPDFrAT and implemented a scrambling scheme to uniformly distribute the image energy, which can further improve the security of the cryptosystems.
Papers to refer 26,27,28,35

·         the proposed algorithm has better performance than other color image encryption methods, and it exceeds the performances of chaos-based gray image encryption schemes
·         the proposed algorithm is secure, sensitive to keys and robust to potential attacks.

Requirement: MATLAB, histogram tool for testing output, color images
For additional details comment below with requirements.


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