Easy Image Processing Paper projects for students to develop by own

For IEEE Paper send paper title to this email-id: ieee.cse2018@gmail.com,will send the paper

For Project Contact: Ashwini(ieee.cse2018@gmail.com) Whatsapp: 9845380899

  1. Reality-Preserving Multiple Parameter Discrete Fractional Angular Transform and Its Application to Color Image Encryption.Features below
    IEEE Link Synopsis
  2. Too Far to See? Not Really!— Pedestrian Detection with Scale-aware Localization Policy.Features below 
    IEEE Link  Synopsis
  3. A Comprehensive Study of the Effect of Spatial Resolution and Color of Digital Images on Vehicle Classification .Features below
      IEEE Link Synopsis
  4. Learning a Deep Single Image Contrast Enhancer from Multi-Exposure Images .Features below
    IEEE Link Synopsis
  5. Blind Image Quality Estimation via Distortion Aggravation.Features below
    IEEE Link


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